
The following fields are available when adding or editing sponsors.

Standard Fields

Name Enter the name of the sponsor.
Permalink A direct link to the sponsor, automatically generated based on the name.
Editor A visual or text editor for adding content to the sponsor page. All standard WordPress editor features can be used in this section, including shortcodes and formatting options. Leave this section blank to enable direct-linking sponsors.
User Select a user to give them full access to edit this sponsor.
Logo Set a featured image to be displayed on the sponsor page.


Order Change this number to adjust default staff order (ascending).


Site URL Enter the URL to redirect visitors when clicking the sponsor’s logo or the “Visit Site” button on the sponsor page. Note that sponsors with empty profiles will skip the sponsor page and link directly to this URL.
Impressions The number of times that the sponsor’s name or logo was displayed to a visitor. Omits logged-in users if setting is enabled.
Clicks The number of times that the sponsor’s name or logo was clicked by a visitor. Omits logged-in users if setting is enabled.

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