
The following fields are available when adding or editing tournaments.

Standard Fields

Title Enter the title of the tournament.
Permalink A direct link to the tournament, automatically generated based on the title.
Editor A visual or text editor for adding content above the tournament. All standard WordPress editor features can be used in this section, including shortcodes and formatting options.
User Select a user to give them full access to edit this tournament.
Featured Image Set a featured image to be displayed on the tournament page.


Rounds Enter custom round names, or leave empty for default.
Teams Select up to 2 teams per event. If unselected, the cell will appear blank.
Date Set the date of each event.
Time Enter the time in 24-hour format.
Results Enter the primary results. When no results are available, the time will be displayed instead.
Edit Event Click the pencil icon to edit the event directly.
Hide Event Click the eye icon to hide the event from the bracket.


Bracket Copy and paste this shortcode into any post, page, or text widget to display the tournament bracket.
Winner Copy and paste this shortcode into any post, page, or text widget to display the tournament winner.


Default A linear bracket layout with the first and last rounds on opposite ends.
Center A centered bracket layout with the last round in the middle.


Competition Select one or more competitions that this tournament belongs to.
Season Select one or more seasons that this tournament belongs to.
Rounds Set the number of rounds, up to 6. The maximum number of teams doubles with the addition of each round.
Winner Select a winner to display above the bracket on the tournament page.

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