
Use the options on this page to configure SportsPress Pro for your sport.

Event Outcomes

Label Enter a label for the event outcome.
Variable The automatically generated variable to be used in equations.
Abbreviation Enter an abbreviation to use when displaying streak.
Condition Choose a condition to automatically detect when this outcome applies.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder event outcomes (ascending).

Event Results

Primary Select which event result is primary, displayed in other areas and used for determining event outcomes when a condition is selected.
Label Enter a label for the event result.
Variables The automatically generated variable to be used in equations.
Equation Drag and drop elements to build an equation used for automatically calculating this value.
Decimal Places Set the number of decimal places to use when rounding the value.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder event results (ascending).

Player Performance

Primary Select which player performance is primary, used for filtering the total column when set to display only the primary performance.
Label Enter a label for the player performance.
Variable The automatically generated variable to be used in equations.
Category Select a category for the player performance to be displayed in box score sections and player profile statistics.
Format Choose a format, used for determining how to display empty values.
Visible Choose whether this statistic should be displayed in player profiles when columns are set to “Auto”.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder player performance (ascending).

Table Columns

Label Enter a label for the table column.
Equation Drag and drop elements to build an equation used for automatically calculating this value. Note that “Subsets” should follow a single outcome or result, and “Presets” cannot be combined with any other elements.
Decimal Places Set the number of decimal places to use when rounding the value.
Sort Order Select a priority and order for this column. Lower numbers have higher priority, and no two table columns should have the same priority.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder table columns (ascending).

Player Metrics

Label Enter a label for the player metric.
Variable The automatically generated variable to be used in equations.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder player metrics (ascending).

Player Statistics

Label Enter a label for the player statistic.
Equation Drag and drop elements to build an equation used for automatically calculating this value.
Decimal Places Set the number of decimal places to use when rounding the value.
Category Select a category for the player performance to be displayed in player profile statistics.
Visible Choose whether this statistic should be displayed in player profiles when columns are set to “Auto”.
Description Optional description text that is only displayed in the dashboard.
Order Change this number to reorder player statistics (ascending).

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