CSV Importers

SportsPress Pro includes a number of import tools for quickly adding data. The exact format of the CSV files may vary depending on your sport.

Event Importer

Format Choose either “Competitive” or “Friendly” format.
Competition Select a competition to add the events under. If no competition is selected, the events will not belong to any competition.
Season Select a season to add the events under. If no season is selected, the events will not belong to any season.
Date Format Choose the same date format as used in the CSV file. You can double-check the dates by looking at the data in the import table.
Date Required. Dates must follow one of the following date formats: “yyyy/mm/dd/”, “dd/mm/yyyy”, or “mm/dd/yyyy”. If date formats don’t match up, the dates may be interpreted incorrectly.
Time Optional. Enter a time using 24-hour time format. Will default to 0:00:00 (midnight) if left empty.
Venue Optional. Enter the name of the venue. If a venue with the same exact name isn’t found, a new venue will automatically be created during the import process.
Team Optional. Enter the name of the home team on the same row as the date. Each additional team should be added to a new row with the date value left empty. If a team with the same exact name isn’t found, a new team will automatically be created during the import process. Leave empty rows below each team when adding players to the event.
Results Optional. Enter the results for the home team on the same row as the date. Additional results should be added to the same row as that team. Each result should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Outcome Optional. Enter the outcome for the home team on the same row as the date. Additional outcomes should be added to the same row as that team.
Players Optional. Enter the name of the first player on the same line as the date and team. Each additional player should be added to a new row with the date and team values left empty.
Performance Optional. Enter the player performance on the same line as that player.

Player Importer

Squad Number Optional. Enter each player’s squad number on the same row as that player’s name.
Name Required. Enter each player’s name.
Positions Optional. Enter each player’s position. If a position with the same exact name isn’t found, a new position will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple positions, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Teams Optional. Enter each player’s teams. If a team with the same exact name isn’t found, a new team will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple teams, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Competitions Optional. Enter each competition the players belong to. If a competition with the same exact name isn’t found, a new competition will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple competitions, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Seasons Optional. Enter each season the players belong to. If a season with the same exact name isn’t found, a new season will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple seasons, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Nationality Optional. Enter the player’s nationality as a 3-letter country code. See the “Country Codes” section of this manual for a full list of options.

Sponsor Importer

Name Required. Enter each sponsor’s name.
URL Optional. Enter the URL of each sponsor, or an address to redirect visitors to when clicking on their name, logo, or “Visit Site” button.

Staff Importer

Name Required. Enter each staff member’s name.
Jobs Optional. Enter each staff member’s job title. If a job with the same exact name isn’t found, a new job will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple jobs, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Teams Optional. Enter each staff member’s teams. If a team with the same exact name isn’t found, a new team will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple teams, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Competitions Optional. Enter each competition the staff members belong to. If a competition with the same exact name isn’t found, a new competition will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple competitions, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Seasons Optional. Enter each season the staff members belong to. If a season with the same exact name isn’t found, a new season will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple seasons, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Nationality Optional. Enter the staff member’s nationality as a 3-letter country code. See the “Country Codes” section of this manual for a full list of options.

Team Importer

Name Required. Enter the name of each team.
Competitions Optional. Enter each competition the teams belong to. If a competition with the same exact name isn’t found, a new competition will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple competitions, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Seasons Optional. Enter each season the teams belong to. If a season with the same exact name isn’t found, a new season will automatically be created during the import process. When assigning to multiple seasons, they should be separated by a vertical pipe “|” character.
Site URL Optional. Enter the external website URL of each team, which will be linked to the “Visit Site” button on the team’s page.
Abbreviation Optional. Enter an abbreviation to be used for each team when abbreviations are enabled.
Home Optional. Enter a home venue for the team. If a venue with the same exact name isn’t found, a new venue will automatically be created during the import process.

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