General Settings

Use the options on this page to control general SportsPress Pro settings.

General Options

Timezone Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
Sport Choose a sport from the dropdown to load a preset for that sport. Select “Other” to clear all variables and start from scratch.
Configure Click this button to access advanced configuration settings.
Demo Content Use this option to install demo content for a quick start.

Styles and Scripts

Frontend Styles Choose a color scheme to use for SportsPress tables.
Primary Color Applied to buttons and table headers as the primary background color.
Background Color The background color of tables and other elements.
Text Color The color used in tables for plain text.
Heading Color Table headers and buttons will use this as the text color.
Link Color Links within tables will be displayed in this color.
Enable Use this option to apply the colors to SportsPress elements. Uncheck to disable all custom colors.
Align Change the text alignment of SportsPress tables or select “Default” to use the table alignment defined in the theme’s stylesheet.
Padding Apply a custom cell padding, in pixels, or select “Auto” to use the table cell padding defined in the theme’s stylesheet.
Custom CSS Insert custom CSS to load after the main stylesheet.
Live Countdowns Enable a script allowing the countdowns to be animated.
Shortcode Menu Enable a shortcode menu to be displayed in the visual editor.
Match Stats Enable a script allowing the match stats to be animated.
Responsive Tables Enable a script allowing the tables to be responsive.
Scrollable Tables Add a scrollable container to the tables, allowing horizontal scrolling.
Sortable Tables Enable a script to make table columns clickable for sorting data.
Unique Widgets Automatically hides a widget when it is similar to the main content.
Header Offset Apply an offset to the header element, in pixels. The header element contains the league menu and header sponsors when available. Use this setting to push it down the page, or select “Auto” to use the offset defined in the theme’s stylesheet.


Theme Choose whether to use a light or dark theme for the Twitter widget.
Limit Set a limit to the number of tweets displayed in the Twitter widget.

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