Event Blocks Shortcode

Display events from a calendar in classic fixtures & results "blocks" layout. The calendar's post ID is required unless you're in The Loop.

[event_blocks id="99"]

To display a single event, enter the event ID as  event in the shortcode.

[event_blocks event="123"] 

Similar to the Event Calendar shortcode,  status can be set to defaultpublish, or future. By default, it will use the calendar's setting.

The   date parameter can be set to w to show events this week or day to show events from today. Visit the WordPress settings (Settings > General) to choose what day the week starts on.

By default, all events from the calendar will be included. Change the  number parameter to choose the number of events to show. A value of -1 will show all.

Setting   link_teams to 1 links team names to their pages.

The   sortableresponsive, and paginated arguments apply those scripts to the table. Change the rows value to set the number of rows to display when responsive mode is on.

Use   order to sort the events by date in ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) order. By default, it will use the calendar's setting.

If you would like to show a link to view all events below your calendar, set   show_all_events_link to 1.


	'id' => '',
	'event' => '',
	'status' => 'default',
	'date' => 'default',
	'number' => '-1',
	'link_teams' => '0',
	'paginated' => '1',
	'rows' => '10',
	'order' => 'default',
	'show_all_events_link' => '0'

Example usage:

[event_blocks id="99" status="future" link_teams="0" paginated="1" rows="10" order="DESC" show_all_events_link="1"]

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