How to Add Competitions and Seasons

Creating a New Competition

By default, two leagues have been added from the demo data, but we can always edit and change these or create some of our own.

To create a new competition, we’ll type in the name of the league and click the Add New button.

So let’s go ahead and create a competition called “Western Conference”, we’ll skip entering a slug because this will be automatically generated for us, and this competition won’t have a parent either so we’ll finish by clicking the Add New button.

Now let’s say within the Western Conference, we have different divisions. As an example, let’s create Northwest as a division of the Western Conference. We can do this by selecting Western Conference as the parent of Northwest.

Notice that once we’ve added Northwest, there is a dash before it which shows that we’ve successfully grouped under the parent competition.

Using parent groups is a really great way to group together and organize competitions.

In this example, we created a “division” but using this method applies to leagues, conferences, associations, or any other competition that should be grouped under a larger competition.

Creating a New Season

Now moving on to seasons. Just like competitions, seasons are also a great way to organize data. Generally we should use seasons for archives of past events, but we should also be creating a season for the current one we’re in.

Let’s go ahead and create a pre-season for 2015. We’ll need to add the name of the pre-season and select 2015 as the parent. Just like the competitions, we’ll see the dash before this seasons showing that is a part of the main 2015 season.

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