Configuring Equations

To configure your equations go to SportsPress Settings > Configure.

If you chose an existing sports preset, all of the sports configurations for your event outcomes, team results, player performance, table columns, player metrics and statistics will show here. This should give you a good starting point to edit or add even more equations to your website. If chose “Custom” from the sports preset list, you will need to add your own variables.

Event Outcomes

Define the possible outcomes of an event. These are usually “Win”, “Loss”, and “Draw”, but may vary depending on your sport.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter the title, variable, abbreviation, a description, and the number order you’d like to display it in.
  3. Publish to save

Team Results

Define the names of values that are assigned to each team at the end of an event. Examples are “Goals” in soccer, “Hit”, “Runs”, and “Errors” in baseball, or “Points” in many other sports.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter the title, variable, a description, and the number order you’d like to display it in.
  3. Publish to save

Player Performance

Player performance is tracked per event.  You will be able to enter the values when updating your event results.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter the title, variable, a description, and the number order you’d like to display it in.
  3. Publish to save

League Table Columns

The table columns are for the statistics that will be used for your automated league tables.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter a title for your column
  3. In the details section, give it a key (slug), rounding (how many decimal places to round up to), and a sort order.
  4. In the equation section, drag and drop the elements to create your own equation.
  5. In the attributes section, give it a number order to control where it will be displayed in your league table.
  6. Include a description for your new column/statistic
  7. Publish to save

Player Metrics

Player metrics are static values added once per player to be displayed on their player profiles.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter the title, variable, a description, and the number order you’d like to display it in.
  3. Publish to save

Player Statistics

Player statistics are used for your player lists and are calculated using performance, metrics, and event results.

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter a title for your column
  3. In the equation section, drag and drop the elements to create your own equation.
  4. In the attributes section, give it a number order to control where it will be displayed in your league table.
  5. Include a description for your new player statistic
  6. Publish to save

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