Sponsor Settings

Use the options on this page to make changes to the look and feel of sponsor pages.

Sponsor Options

Template Select a template to use from your theme when displaying sponsors. Options include “Default Template” and any other template from your theme. Note that some themes do not have additional templates.
Impressions Use this setting to exclude logged-in users when counting impressions.
Clicks Use this setting to exclude logged-in users when counting clicks.
Visit Site Use this option to make the “Visit Site” link option in a new window or tab.


Display Set the number of sponsors to display in the header sponsor area.
Sort by Choose how to sort sponsors in the header sponsor area. “Menu Order” sorts by the “Order” in the “Attributes” section when editing a sponsor. “Date” sorts sponsors by published date. “Name” sorts sponsors alphabetically by name. “Random” will randomize the order on each visit.
Sort Order Choose whether to sort sponsors in ascending or descending order.
Logo Set a maximum width and maximum height for sponsor logos in the header sponsor area.
Position Set a header sponsor area offset from the top and right of the page, in pixels.


Title Add a custom title to display in the footer sponsor area.
Display Set the number of sponsors to display in the footer sponsor area.
Sort by Choose how to sort sponsors in the footer sponsor area. “Menu Order” sorts by the “Order” in the “Attributes” section when editing a sponsor. “Date” sorts sponsors by published date. “Name” sorts sponsors alphabetically by name. “Random” will randomize the order on each visit.
Sort Order Choose whether to sort sponsors in ascending or descending order.
Logo Set a maximum width and maximum height for sponsor logos in the header sponsor area.
Text Color Set the text color for the footer sponsor area title.
Background Color Set the background color for the footer sponsor area.

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