Player Settings

Use the options on this page to make changes to the look and feel of player-related pages.

Player Options

Template Select a template to use from your theme when displaying players. Options include “Default Template” and any other template from your theme. Note that some themes do not have additional templates.
Layout Drag and drop each item to design your own player page layout. Use the toggle switch to show or hide certain templates.
Link Use this option to automatically link players to the individual player pages. If this option is checked, each player in player lists, events, and other areas will become clickable.
Details Use these options to display the nationality, position, current team, past teams, competitions, and seasons in the player details section.
Columns Choose whether to display player statistic columns automatically or manually. “Auto” displays all performance and statistic columns that are set to be visible from the “Configure” page. “Manual” will let you choose the columns to display per player.
Statistics Choose whether to separate player performance by offense and defense, or to combine them into a single table.
Total Use this option to display career totals at the bottom of each table.
Nationality Use this option to display a flag next to the country name in player profiles.
Birthday Use these options to display the player’s birthday and age in the details section of their profile.

Player Lists

Template Select a template to use from your theme when displaying player lists. Options include “Default Template” and any other template from your theme. Note that some themes do not have additional templates.
Title Use this option to display titles above player lists.
Players Use these options to display a photo or flag next to the player name in player lists.
Pagination Use this option to allow pagination in player lists by displaying page numbers when the number of players exceeds the limit.
Limit Set the maximum number of players per page. If the number of players exceeds this limit, page numbers will be displayed for navigation.

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