How to Change URLs (Permalinks)

Looking at Event Permalinks

From the WordPress dashboard, let's go into edit one of the events.

We'd like to change the permalink line, displayed below the post title. The slug can be changed easily by clicking it when editing an event or another post type. But we're more interested in the part in between that says event.

Changing the Permalink Settings

Let's go over to Settings > Permalinks and scroll down until we see the SportsPress section.

We can go ahead and change where it says  event to match or matches. Click Save Changes.

Now that we've changed this permalink, we can go back into our event and we can see that the text in between now says  matches.

You might want to change the permalinks if you're using WordPress in another language, or if a plugin or theme has already registered the  /event/ URL so you're currently getting a 404 (not found) page.

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